Friday, January 24, 2020

Classification Essay - The Types of Kids that Make Up My Generation

Classification Essay –The Types of Kids that Make Up My Generation One of the things that has troubled me as of late is my generation. The generation that is referred to is the group of people currently aged 15-21 - whether or not this is a "generation," so to speak, is irrelevant. These people, for the most part, disturb me. It frightens me to know that the people that I've grown up with are going to be leading the country and the world in the decades to come. The overwhelming majority of the kids that I've come in contact with over the past few years are apathetic monsters. They don't care about school, they don't care about themselves, and they don't care about their future. To dissect the three aforementioned attributes... Kids don't care about school. Why is it that so many kids decide that ditching school on a fairly consistent basis and/or not caring at all about their grades is the right thing to do? What could possibly be more important than school at such an age? You're a fool to tell me that getting high, going to a mall, getting trashed or any other alternative is better than going to school. You're a fool to tell me that the sole point of going to school is to see and gossip about other people with your friends. An education is the gateway to future success. The kids who don't care about school (all too many) are living for the moment, and not thinking about the long run. Instead of channelling their energies into studying, they instead take the easy way out and have fun. Who wants an incompentant oaf for President? Kids don't care about themselves. Why is it that so many kids decide that injecting themselves with various chemicals is the right thing to do? I can't tell you how many und... that there are other, harmless ways to set themselves aside from others; they also don't realize the irony that their rebellion is actually quite conformist, seeing how there already is a sizable portion of the population that can be labeled rebels. The second sad trait to this is that other, "normal" (meaning non-sheep and non-rebels) people take to liking these individuals, whether it be as friends or romantically. How a rational-thinking person can identify with these out-of-touch miscreants is beyond my comprehension. The so-called rebels act ridiculously outlandish, only to inexplicably generate positive responses from their sickening behavior from others. The rebels crave attention, and the way that they get it is through their ludicrous conduct. God forbid if they don't draw any attention... What do you think is responsible for all of the school shootings?

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Disaster Planning and Emergency Response

Disasters, both man-made and natural, occur on a regular basis. It is the responsibility of community officials to prepare ahead of time for these disasters, to ensure residents receive needed care immediately following the disaster and in the following weeks while the community recovers. Because of this communities have created emergency response plans and have trained personnel already in place when such events occur. The following is a discussion of the employees involved in a disaster plan and was obtained from â€Å"Disaster in Franklin County, A Public Health Simulation† that was created by the University of Minnesota.Role of Public Health PersonnelEmergency Operations Center (EOC) Commander is in charge of the disaster recovery, they are responsible for assessing the disaster situation, conducts the initial briefing, coordinates staffing, and if needed recommends a â€Å"state of emergency† for the affected area. The Safety Officer monitors and assesses unsafe or hazardous situations ensuring residents and disaster responders remain safe during the aftermath of the disaster. The Liaison Officer is the contact person for supporting agencies that assist with disaster relief; they answer questions and provide briefings as needed to ensure correct information is given to these outside agencies.The Public Information Officer is responsible for providing the public with health information relating to the disaster, they are also responsible for ensuring the public health staff is informed. The EOC Coordinator is responsible for planning for disasters before they happen. They plan out and test the response procedures to ensure critical business functions can return to normal quickly, any businesses can be repaired in a timely manner, and amount of loss minimized. The EOC is also an integral part of the actual disaster recovery effort after an actual disaster happens.The Operations Chief is responsible for assessing the situation/emergency, conducts briefing meetings, approves the action plan and authorize its implementation, approves needed resources to complete relief efforts, and works with the Liaison Officer in overseeing the aid process. The Logistics Chief is the coordinator for the emergency operations center, everything from transportation, housing, equipment, supplies, and anything else that is needed. This individual acts as a direct link between relief organizations and the EOC.The Financial and Administration Chief is responsible for money that is spent during the emergency, approves spending and purchases, takes care of compensation claims, tracks workers hours, and coordinates the process for disaster financial assistance. The Planning Intelligence Chief is responsible for gathering and analyzing information needed by the EOC, such as what area resources are available and where they are located, so the first responders are able to effectively complete their work.The Public Health Nurse is responsible for working in emergency shelters, triaging patients to ensure those needing emergency care receive the required care, complete door to door interviews of affected communities to ensure residents have what they need to remain safe and healthy, and providing a link between the residents in need and the service providers to meet their needs. (Olson, Larson, Scheller & Freiburg)Chain of CommandDuring the aftermath of a disaster the public health nurse reports directly to the Medical/Health Branch Director. This director reports to the Operations Chief, and finally the EOC Commander.Available ResourcesEnvironmental Health Specialist is utilized to aid residents in the proper way to clean household hazardous waste that can occur after a disaster. Social services can assist families relocate to shelters in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. The added stress of dealing with disasters can increase the possibility of domestic violence; social services can assist these families with counseling, dome stic violence shelters for women and children just to name a few. Translators may be utilized to help assess non English speaking families. It is a good idea to have translators available for each of the ethnic groups that live within the community. Information sheets should also be available in multiple languages.Actions of Community Health NurseAfter a disaster it is important for public health nurses to assist the teams that go door to door to assess the residents in the communities hit by the disaster. Some situations these nurses need to deal with is knowing what other departments are available to help people out when something falls outside the nurses scope of practice. Such as when flooding occurs and there is a hazardous household waste that needs to be cleaned up, the nurse knows what agency needs to come to the house and assess the damage, including what is the best way to clean up the waste.Other situations include ensuring residents have the supplies needed to survive in the coming days after the disaster. These items would include food both for adults and infants, heat, medicines to name a few. If the nurse is concerned about the amount of supplies the family has she can suggest the family stay at one of the shelters available. Another situation the nurse should be aware of and look for is possible domestic violence. In the moments and days immediately after a disaster the stress level for individuals increases dramatically, this increased stress can lead to violence.Nurses need to be aware of, and watch for signs of, potential domestic violence. Another situation nurses may need to deal with is when people run out of necessary medicine, oxygen, or need dialysis to name a few. The nurse needs to assess these patients individually and make recommendations as to the best options for their care. These could be anything from recommending the individual stay at home and have needed medicine delivered either later that day or the next to having the pers on go to a shelter for a couple of days. Some individuals may need to be sent to the hospital for treatment.Coping with AftermathFor several weeks following a disaster residents in the community will continue to need help in different areas. Some may need referrals to social services for help finding jobs or help buying food and paying rent. Some may need the assistance of mental health agencies for depression or dealing with the trauma of the disaster. Some individuals may need an environmental health specialist to assess their residence to ensure it is safe to return to.TechniquesThe techniques the nurse used while calming the fears of the residents in the community was mainly to listen. The nurse took the time necessary to talk with each individual person ensuring that their needs were met. She explained the services that had been set up to help care for the residents. The nurse also gave the residents choices; she did not dictate what they should do. The overall goal is to ensur e everyone receives the care they need, if the public health nurse appears to be judgmental or bossy they risk alienating the individual they are trying to help.Preparation of NursesIn the event of a large disaster more personnel would be needed to respond to the needs of a community. Nurses play an integral part in this disaster relief by working in the field during the aftermath to triaging patients at the hospital. Nurses can ensure they are ready to assist the hospital by attending disaster relief training sessions with their employers. When nurses renew their licenses they are given the option of receiving training on disaster relief, many states will provide continuing education to ensure nurses are trained and aware of the services utilized during an emergency.One thing nurses need to be aware of is they are licensed to practice nursing in the state they have their license in. If a nurse travels to a different state to assist with the aftermath of a disaster they are opening themselves up to civil or criminal charges. Because of this twenty-four states in the United States have organized an agreement known as the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC). A nurse that is licensed in a state that is included in this agreement can travel, in times of emergency, to any other state that is included in this compact and assist in a nursing role during the disaster relief.During declared emergencies or disasters some states have enacted laws allowing nurses to assist in the rescue efforts without fear of retribution. On the national level there is the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS), this organization utilizes medical professionals throughout the United States to work on Disaster Management Assistance Teams (DMATs). These teams are federal responders to disasters and their licenses are recognized in all fifty states. (Stokowski)

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Phenomenon Of Enmeshment Between A Mother And Her Child

This paper will explore the phenomenon of enmeshment between a mother and her child. It will begin by first providing a working definition for the concept of enmeshment, then go into more detail about how and why this manifests within the mother and child dynamic. Next it will discuss maternal enmeshment’s impact on the child’s development during childhood using the theories of Erik Erikson and John Bowlby as a framework of understanding. It will conclude by providing a brief overview of some ways enmeshment can adversely influence the child across the lifespan. Enmeshment is a term first coined by Family Systems theorist Salvador Minuchin. According to Minuchin, enmeshment is a relational structure in which there is a distortion of psychological boundaries, making autonomy very difficult to accomplish. In enmeshed relationships, interpersonal differentiation is poor, causing the individual to get lost within the relational dynamic (Minuchin, 1974). Another sy stems theorist, Murray Bowen, also discusses the concept of enmeshment. Bowen, inspired by analytic theory, posited that one’s thinking, feeling, and behaving is tied to the family system (Bowen, 1978). In accordance with his analytic roots, Bowen referred to enmeshment as an â€Å"undifferentiated ego mass†. By this he means there is lack of acknowledgement of the separateness between the self and other – their egos are â€Å"melded† as one (Bowen, 1978). Just as Minuchin valued boundaries, Bowen valued autonomy,